The following 2024-2025 Claremore Team and Individual pictures are or will be available for viewing and purchase at [email protected]:
Football - High School and Jr High
Football (action shots)
Homecoming Court
Marching Band (action shots)
Softball - High School and Jr High
Some prior year collections are also still available at[email protected].
Orders made by the Order Deadline (approximately 1-2 weeks after Picture Day) receive a free set of ticket magnets.
Orders made after the Order Deadline must be made at [email protected]. These orders will be shipped to you directly. You may also contact me directly to order.
Additional sizes, canvas, metal and other items available upon request.
Pre-Order Group Pictures
Pre-Order your team and individual pictures! All orders made by the order deadline receive a set of free ticket magnets.
** Be sure to include the Group (sport) name and the Students name and number or instrument when ordering.
Order a Package by Picture Day and receive a set of Ticket Magnets FREE!