Photography Fundraising
Raise money for your organization by hosting a Portrait Fundraiser!
What is Family Portrait Fundraising?
You raise funds through ticket sales for portrait sittings. You choose what to charge, $15,$20 or $25 per family. 100% of the money from tickets sales are retained by your organization! Each participating family receives a Studio Quality 8×10 Family Portrait from their session. It's that easy!
How does Family Portrait Fundraising work?
You provide one or two people from your organization who will coordinate the Family Portrait Fundraiser. These coordinators will receive a Family Portrait certificate at no charge.
We will provide a flyer/form to send home to parents. We also suggest spreading the word about Family Portrait Day with social postings and word of mouth to increase sales. Certificates (or online sales) are returned by the deadline date to schools with payment made out to your organization.
The Portrait Day will be set up at a convenient location (such as the park) on your selected date(s) to photograph the families that have purchased certificates. Families simply come on Portrait Day to have their picture taken! We will also take extra photos of you and your family that you will be able to view and have the option to purchase.
Approximately 7-10 day later, families can view their images online. After choosing their Studio Quality 8×10 Family Portrait print, families may choose to purchase additional portrait prints and/or a Digital Download of all photos taken of their family on Portrait Day!